Daily Devotionals


His lifelong ambition was to play professional football. Finally, the day was scheduled for him to try out before the coaches of the San Diego Chargers. But on the day before the try out, Dale lost both of his legs and several fingers in an explosion.

Sixty long days after the explosion, he was discharged from the hospital. As he was wheeled from his room to a waiting car, he looked at the two “stubs” that were now his legs and his right hand that had only a thumb and little finger remaining.

He could have given up in disappointment, gone on welfare and received a lifelong disability. But he didn’t.

He could have focused on everything he lost in the explosion and chosen to live a life of anger and hatred. But he didn’t.

He could have become filled with resentment for those who made the team that year and were hailed as heroes. But he didn’t.

Instead of giving up or becoming angry and hateful or filled with resentment, he challenged himself with the realty that “Anyone can become a quitter. But I’m going to become the greatest insurance salesman my company has ever seen!” And he did.

Paul said, “I can really know Christ and experience the mighty power that raised Him from the dead.”

Fortunately, that same power is available today for Christians who choose to use that power to glorify Him.

Prayer:  Help us, Heavenly Father, to accept the challenges You bring into our lives as opportunities to trust in Your power to accomplish great things for You. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Scripture For Today:       I want to know Christ—yes, to know the power of his resurrection and participation in his sufferings, becoming like him in his death. Philippians 3:10