Thank you for visiting the Guido Ministries Store. Here, you will find offered various items that have been produced over the years, such as books and DVDs. Any profits from the sale of these items go to support Guido Ministries.
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This is a new collection of prayers written by Dr. Larry Guido. These inspiring, encouraging, hope-giving and healing prayers have been collected and are now published in one volume. This will make a wonderful gift that will give strength and courage t face life’s everyday struggles. Order a copy for yourself and your friends!
United States Congressman Jack Kingston relates, “This book is a fascinating American story and a Christian pilgrimage. It should be required reading for all Christians, but everybody can benefit from his story.” George Beverly Shea shares, “A loving God sends someone like Michael Guido across our pathway to help us in our spiritual journey. What an inspiration he has been to me and to countless others as he tells the ‘Old, Old Story of Jesus and His love.’” This is a great book. You will enjoy each page!
Send Mail Orders To:
c/o Guido Evangelistic Assoc.
PO BOX 508
Metter, GA 30439-0298
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