Daily Devotionals


Niccolo Paganini began his musical career later than most musicians. He developed his talents so rapidly and was so gifted that his skills exceeded most of his instructors in a short amount of time. He was the most celebrated violinist of his day and is recognized as one of the greatest virtuosos who ever lived.

One evening as he walked on the stage for a concert, he felt that something was wrong. He looked around and could see nothing unusual that would cause this feeling. Then he looked at his instrument and realized that he was handed the wrong violin as he walked on stage. As the orchestra conductor lifted his baton to begin the concert, he realized that it was too late to exchange violins.

Later that evening those who heard him perform said that it was his greatest performance. When asked about the violin he said, “Today I learned the most important lesson of my career. I thought the music was in the instrument. Today I learned it is in me.”

Jesus said that if we remain in Him, as a branch in a tree, we will have life. Once a branch is no longer connected to the tree it withers and dies. If we desire to be in Christ we must stay connected to Him by staying in His Word, by spending time with Him in prayer and by being obedient to Him in keeping His commands.

Prayer:  We ask, Heavenly Father, that our love for You will be so intense that we will live a life that is centered in Your Word, in prayer and in obedience to You. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Scripture For Today: Yes, I am the vine; you are the branches. Those who remain in me, and I in them, will produce much fruit. For apart from me you can do nothing. John 15:5